[tm_pb_section admin_label=”section” transparent_background=”on” allow_player_pause=”off” inner_shadow=”off” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”off” custom_padding=”50px||50px|50px” make_fullwidth=”off” use_custom_width=”off” width_unit=”on” make_equal=”off” use_custom_gutter=”off”][tm_pb_row admin_label=”row”][tm_pb_column type=”3_4″][tm_pb_text admin_label=”Text” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] Table of contents Arming the Panel Disarming the Panel Bypassing (Switching Off) Zones on Arming Force Arming the Alarm Home (Partial) Arming the Alarm Viewing the Alarm Memory Viewing User Codes Changing the User Codes Setting Chime Zones Alarm Trouble Codes Setting the Time and Date Testing the System Arming the Panel 1) Enter a valid user code. 2) The ARMED and EXIT LED/LCD segment will now illuminate and the exit delay will commence. 3) The EXIT light flash rapidly for the last 10 seconds of the exit delay. Disarming the Panel 1) Enter a valid user code. 2) The ARMED light will extinguish when the panel is armed. Bypassing (Switching Off) Zones on Arming Manual bypass programming allows you to program the alarm system to ignore (deactivate) specified zones the next time the system is armed. For example,you may wish to bypass certain zones when workers are renovating part of your establishment. Please note that a Fire Zone cannot be bypassed. 1) Press the [BYPASS] button. 2) Enter your access code. 3) Select the zones that you wish to bypass by selecting the 2 digit zone number. 4) Press the [BYPASS] button again to save the bypassed zone entries. 5) The selected zones will be bypassed next time the system is armed. Force Arming the Alarm Force arming allows you rapidly amr the system without waiting for all zones in the system to close. During force arming, a force zone is considered “deactivate” until it closes, after which the system will arm that zone. Force arming is commonly used when a motion detector is protecting the area occupied by a keypad. For example, when arming the system from within a force zone, the system will allow you to arm even if the zone is open and, the system will arm the zone once it closes. 1) Press the [ON] button. 2) The ARMED LED/LCD segment will illuminate and the exit delay will commence. Home (Partial) Arming the Alarm This method allows you to remain in the protected area while partially arming the system. Home zones are zones that are bypassed when partial arming. For example, when you go to sleep at night, doors and windows can be armed without arming other zones like motion detectors. 1) Press the [PARTIAL] button. 2) The BYPASSED LED/LCD segment will now illuminate. Viewing the Alarm Memory If a zone has been triggered whilst the alarm system is in its Armed state. To display the zones have been triggered. 1) Press the star [*] button. 2) Press the [3] button. 3) The zones that have been triggered will be displayed on the keypad. Viewing User Codes To view user codes entered in the system, you will first need the Master or Installer code. 1) Press the star [*] button, followed by the [5] button. 2) Enter a valid installer or master code (default code is 1234). 3) Enter the user number (01-34). NOTE: User 01 is the installer code. NOTE: User 02 is the master code. NOTE: User 03 is the first user code for the system. 4) The first digit of the user code will be displayed. 5) Press the star [*] button to view the next digit. 6) Press the hash [#] button to exit this mode. Changing the User Codes To change the user access codes, you will first require the Master code. 1) Press the star [*] button, followed by the [5] button. 2) Enter a valid installer or master code (default is 1234). 3) Enter the user number (01-34). NOTE: User 01 is the installer code. NOTE: User 02 is the master code. NOTE: User 03 is the first user code for the system. 4) Enter the new user code the user selected (the code should be 4 digits long). 5) Press the hash [#] button. 6) The code for the selected user will be changed and the system will exit this mode. NOTE: Pressing the [CHIME] button 5 times instead of entering a new user code will delete the user from the system. Setting Chime Zones This feature allowed you to enable or disable the chime zone. A chime-enable zone will advise you everything it is opened by causing your keypad to emit a chime tone (ding dong). Press the [CHIME] button to enable or disable the chime feature. NOTE: Chime zones MUST be programmed by the alarm installer for the chime feature to work. Alarm Trouble Codes If a system fault has been detected, the service indicator will be on. To determine the system fault. Press the star [*] button, followed by the 2 button. The fault number will be displayed as a zone number on the keypad. Light 1 – Press the 1 button for further fault codes. – 1 Over current fault. – 2 Siren trouble. – 3 Box tamper. – 4 Expander power. – 5 Expander low battery. – 6 Expander box tamper. – 7 Expander trouble. – 8 Reserved. Press hash [#] to return to 1-8 trouble lights. Light 2 – Zone tamper. Light 3 – Zone low battery. Light 4 – Zone loss of supervision. Light 5 – Zone trouble. Light 6 – Reserved. Light 7 – Communication fault (check phone line dial tone and communication settings). Light 8 – Date and time loss (program the date and time to reset error). Setting the Time and Date Setting the Date If the alarm panel has lost power, it may require the system time and date to be set. 1) Press the star [*], then [9], then [6]. 2) Enter the Master code. 3) Enter the day of the week (Sun=1, Mon=2, etc). 4) Enter the Month as a 2 digit number (MM) e.g July would be 07. 5) Enter the day of the month as a 2 digit number (DD). 6) Enter the year as a 2 digit number (YY) e.g. 2005 would be 05. Setting the Time If the alarm panel has lost power, it may require the system time and date to be set. 1) Press the start [*] button, then [9], then [7]. 2) Enter the Master code. 3) Enter the current hour as a 2 digit number (24 hour), (HH) e.g. 11:00pm would be 23. 4) Enter the current minute as a 2 digit number (MM). Testing the System Walk Test Mode 1) Press the star [*] button followed by the [CHIME] button. 2) Enter the master code (default code is 1234). 3) Once a sensor is triggered, the siren will sound briefly. 4) Enter the master code again to disable walk test mode (default code is 1234). [/tm_pb_text][/tm_pb_column][tm_pb_column type=”1_4″][tm_pb_image admin_label=”DAS NX” src=”http://onwatch.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/networx_lcd_keypad.jpg” alt=”DAS NX Image” title_text=”DAS NX” show_in_lightbox=”off” url_new_window=”off” use_overlay=”off” animation=”left” sticky=”off” align=”center” force_fullwidth=”off” always_center_on_mobile=”on” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] [/tm_pb_image][/tm_pb_column][/tm_pb_row][/tm_pb_section]